Summary of what was accomplished from Jan to June,2025
Summary of what was accomplished from Jan to June,2025 under the project of : Under Pillar 1 and 2: Provision of integrated interventions support to conflict affected IDPs in hosting sites in Dhi As Sufal and Al Mashannah districts within Ibb governorate.
• Coordination was made with the headquarters of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Sana’a and the project’s sub-contract was signed
• An introductory workshop was held for the project team and another workshop for the branch of the Supreme Council in Ibb Governorate.
Under protection:
• Dhu Al-Safal District:
• Forming 6 networks of community protection committees, consisting of 60 members (30 women and 30 men) from all hosting sites in the directorate.
• Conducting protection needs assessment for 577 families and 3,024 individuals in 12 IDP hosting sites.
• Disbursing cash assistance for protection to 495 beneficiaries ($225 per beneficiary)
• Five groups were trained on livelihood activities, each group consisting of 20 individuals
• Cash grants ($500 per beneficiary) were disbursed for livelihood activities to 60 beneficiaries, male and female, to three groups out of 5 groups that were trained.
• Community resilience support sessions were provided to 1,153 individuals.
Under CCCM:
In Dhi Sudal district in Ibb Governorate:
Assessment, FGDs and market assessment were conducted where 414 HH will target by CLPs. 12 Hosting site will be targeted by 7 different site infrastructure maintenance including : external lighting poles, fire distinguisher, cleaning campaign, conducting an earthen canal to drain rainwater, providing paving road in three sites, Constructing 34 emergency latrines Including two emergency latrines for people with disabilities, and establish 5 water points.
Under Shelter and NFIs:
In Dhi SUfal and Al Mashannah districts in Ibb Governorate:
Assessment process was conducted and 951 HH planned to be targeted by solar kit (either solar system or cooking stove both) based on need and 445 HH will be targeted by Shelter Maintenance and upgrade.